Facebook Fan Pages Get New Timeline Makeover

Well folks, we called it back in December. Facebook is updating its fan pages and places to look like Timeline profiles. We just took the tour of all the changes and several thoughts have come to mind. As previously mentioned, this move by Facebook shouldn’t be a surprise. Major web publishers know the value of […]
Social Media Marketing and the Small Business

When Huebris started in 2008, our slogan was “You’ll take pride in our work.” Today our mantra sends the same message without being as obvious, “Our Business Is Your Pride™.” You have to understand that this pride—this hubris—isn’t our own. We are but humble servants working in an industry in which we are truly passionate. […]
Pinterest Marketing

* EDIT – Friday, February 3rd, 2012 — We are aware of the new pinned image and picture viewing changes recently made to Pinterest. This does affect some of the content in this article, and we’re doing our due diligence to rewrite for the updated rules governing the site * Pinterest, while experiencing accelerating growth, […]
Stop SOPA and PIPA

Media websites across the Internet are joining together in a virtual strike in an effort to increase public awareness towards SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect Intellectual Property Act). The ranks of Google and Wikipedia are taking up arms to dismantle these dangerous acts. Wikipedia is even shutting down in the U.S. This […]
Pinteresting Facts

A new player on the social networking scene that is getting attention is virtual online pinboard Pinterest.com. The site, which first came onto the comScore radar in May 2011 with 418,000 unique visitors, has surged over the past six months to nearly 4.9 million visitors. In November, the average visitor spent nearly an hour and […]
Web Analytics—Analyze Your Site with Science

Batman knows the value of analyzing evidence with science, and so should you! When visitors come to your website, they leave behind a plethora of evidence in their wake. But maybe you are unsure what constitutes web analytics. Maybe you’ve just heard the words thrown around. Well here’s the web analytics definition we use at […]
Best Business Website Designs

The Internet is a constantly evolving place. It’s exciting, exhausting and empowering all at once. For a business or company, the definition of good web design changes rapidly. What’s good today, is garbage tomorrow. In many ways, the web design industry is a lot like the fashion industry; there are design trends that keep you […]
Facebook Timeline

Facebook Timeline Release As we ebb closer to 2012, you’ll notice many Facebook users have already switched over to the new Timeline feature. This new format will come be accompanied by applause and complaint—much more complaint because let’s face it, human beings are resistant to change. I encourage you to try it out though. […]
Facebook Status Updates That Will Get Likes

You may have noticed that Facebook implemented a new statistic on fan pages, the number of people “talking about this.” For an admin, this number is very important. It ties into another piece of statistical data that Facebook affectionately calls “Viral Reach.” When you post an update for your fan page, all your fans have […]
Free Facebook Profile Picture Template

Since writing our do’s and dont’s article on Facebook Profile Pictures, we’ve had a lot of people asking for a template to help make designing their own fan page profile pic easier. In response to this request, you can download that template in PSD (Photoshop) format here: Once you get into the file, you’ll […]