Let’s face it, the world of Social Media Marketing is brand new. It’s scary, but the potential for success is exponential. The one thing you don’t want to do is get left in the dust by your competition, or become obsolete in an arena that is far from static. Yes, the rules by which social networks operate are fluid. This is a fast-paced industry, and changes large and small are always happening. It’s daunting to try to stay abreast of what’s going on, but that’s where Huebris’ Social Media Consulting service comes into play.
“We’re living at a time when attention is the new currency. Those who insert themselves into as many channels as possible look set to capture the most value.”
—Pete Cashmore, Founder of mashable.com
We are constantly training ourselves in the ways of the social media force. We know how @-tagging, and photo-tagging increase engagement. We know that open-ended questions get more feedback than others. We know which Facebook widgets you should integrate into your site or WordPress blog. We know what changes are coming in the near future for most social networks. We know the importance of developing your product or company’s voice across social networks. We know all about third-party tools that can help augment your social media publication and distribution systems. We even know when the best times are to post updates to the major social networks. We know.
How did Huebris come to this knowledge? Through social media conventions, blog sites, case studies and our own social media work for clients. We’re inventing what will some day soon become a doctorate in Social Media, and believe-it-or-not that is not an absurd prediction about the future of this industry. So put our knowledge to good use. We’ll help you develop your social media strategy, and fill it with tactics that get results.
The world is becoming a social place. Join the conversation. This photo above shows all the geo-tagged locations of uploaded Flickr photos by concentration.
Safeguard yourself from lagging behind, and join us on a forward-thinking excursion. And hey, the first half-hour consultation is on us! We’ll use it to learn all about your business, product and brand. If you already have a social media presence, we’ll look at it and discuss how you are doing things right and how to course-correct any troubled waters out there in the social media ocean. There is always room to fine-tune your social media marketing machine. Huebris expects our Social Media Consulting service will help to do just that.